The ‘Cyber Apocalypse’ series continues the post-apocalyptic action with ‘As Our World Falls’. Alex, Sophie, Ryan and Thomas have made it to the edge of Denver in the week that’s passed since Book 1. The truck they were using has broken down and they have ventured into Denver. They find the city destroyed and armed drones actively hunting down people and killing them. Will they accept help from a girl who seems immune from attack?

Meanwhile, Elisha, Liam and Garcia have left Petaluma for Willits, in northern California, where Liam’s grandparent’s owned and stocked a prepper/survival cabin. Once there, new problems arise for the group. They also soon learn that the gang has not been so easily left behind.

Alex and Sophie are in the learning curve of who can be trusted in this new reality. Ryan is still not spilling the entire story of how he’s involved with the attacks. We do find out a few tantalizing clues as to how the attacks are being perpetrated and who’s behind them. I hope Mr Hunt gives the readers Ryan’s POV in Book 3 so we get a more complete answer on that front.

I most enjoyed the scenes involving Elisha, Liam and Garcia. They spend time prepping the cabin for a post-apocalypse. Mr Hunt writes some tips to securing a property against intruders that were nicely woven into the story. There’s a little bit of a police procedural mystery in these sections that are a nice touch as well.

There’s a lot of post-apocalyptic action and suspense too. Jack Hunt gives the reader scary killer drones, mysterious groups offering sanctuary, Alex getting into rescue mode, an ex-military old man protecting his store. shootouts and, oh yeah, shootouts. It’s a well-done thrill ride with well-written characters.

Kevin Pierce has done a brilliant job with narration once again. All narrations I’ve listened to by him are first-rate.

At my request, I was provided with a free review copy of this audiobook. I am now posting a voluntary opinion of it.
