Not only are the sixty plus hours just a good value by the standards of a spent credit, those hours are well spent listening. Not to mention, you can get the next four books with a single credit as well. The voice acting is superb. The character development is done so very well that not once did I think an action out of character for the furtherance of plot. Neither were there the stupid decisions made for the sake of dramatic license. I never once sighed at the obvious stupidity of a character and thought of how lazy the writer was. Even the supporting cast was engaging and showed growth as the plot unfolded along ever widening arcs. These books are excellent. I was a little disappointed with the ending climax as abrupt as it was. But it made sense in light of all that was brewing in the characters for so long. The world building was also a bit slim (there is little explanation of history or of the functions of magic and such) but it does not detract from the story. There’s is much more of Mr. Morin’s worlds for him to develop. This series of books is a supremely entertaining beginning.