The story is great. The narrator us almost a detriment to the tale though. She reads like she’s on half speed. She swallows constantly and it sounds like the mic is against her throat. It’s so distracting.

The places she pauses makes some parts confusing. It’s like another chapter started then you realize it’s the same chapter. I had to rewind several times to get a coherent story.

The story is engaging and active enough to keep you listening though. There are some parts that seem to simplified and it throws you off for a moment like “is that it? Shouldn’t there be more? What happened here?”

Honestly, Sky comes off as a selfish simpleton quite a bit. She quickly becomes that person that does stuff only because people told her not to. Don’t feed the vampire? Imma rip oit my throat for one. Don’t go out alone? I’m going to run away from a secure fortress while the homicidal maniacs cheer me on.

She constantly does things that any person with basic common sense wouldn’t ever do.

I mean if fire burned you then why do you keep shoving your hand back in? I really do like the story no matter how irritated I am at the Narrator and main character. It feels like there was so much more potential in the story than was given. I will give it 4 stars anyway.