This book was given to me for free at my request and I proved this voluntary review.

I am a regular listener of the post apocalyptic genre of stories. I also enjoy books narrated by Kevin Pierce. Although this was my first book by Boyd Craven, it did not disappoint.

This book doesn’t start as the typical end-of-the-world, post apocalyptic prepper story. The author builds the storyline, giving the listener a background into the lives of the main characters.

The first half of the book gives a very belivable storyline of the characters, and the skills they possess, which prepare them for the dangers of a major solar storm which disrupts the power grid.

The second part of the book is action packed and suspenseful. It isn’t full of unbelievable shootouts and unrealistic violence. However, it does have realistic scenarios which the average person might find themselves involved with if such an event occurred.

The ending left me wanting to download the next in the series, which I am eagerly anticipating. I can envision the main characters becoming more involved with each other and working together to survive the new world which they are now forced to survive.