I really enjoyed listening to this book on audio. It is definitely one of those where audio adds to the experience. Some books are meant for audio, some aren’t. This one was fantastic! I also really enjoyed this whole series. Although I do agree with some of the other reviewers. This book felt a little different than the others. I felt like they were just trying to beef up the novel by adding a sex scene in every other chapter. The sex doesn’t bother me. It only bothers me when it is being used as a filler. So I would crank up the speed and listen all of them (there were a lot) at 2.1x. The ending its self was actually really crazy. Some things I expected. Somethings I didn’t. I would love to say more about the ending but by doing so I would give away major spoilers and I don’t want to be killed be an upset fan! But I will say that I love how she added a little bit about Octavia Royal. I listened to the first two books in the series (I think) and they were great. I wonder if there is going to be more crossover. I think there may be more Royal books that have been written. But they haven’t hit audio last time I checked. I will definitely be checking those out when they do. Lily Wildhart is wildly talented. And I will continue to follow what she writes as long as she keeps putting out these awesome books!

Thanx #TheFlockVipReviews #PinkFlamingoProductions