As a person who went to college for Private Investigation, I am fascinated by true crime books. As I listen to a story, I want to understand all avenues, all sides to the story including what the laws specifically are. This book explains it all! Unfortunately, this well written and narrated book tells of the horrific murder of Jacine Gielinski. We need to know of such horrific crimes, what depravity lurks in society, and how the laws can protect the assailants in order to protect ourselves. Although the crime happened and the 2 men responsible for it admitted to their guilt, their individual trials were crimes in themselves. It’s hard hearing of what happened to Jacine, and as a mother I could only imagine how soul crushing and heart breaking the loss of Jacine was for her parents. To then hear how the justice system concentrated on protecting the criminals’ rights and how their attorneys try to blame their actions on such absurd excuses, made my blood boil. This is the second Steve Jackson book I have read through Audible, the first being Monster, and I consider him a fair and excellent author, especially when he explains what the three-judge panel has to consider when deciding upon whether the murderer should get the death penalty or not. I furthermore appreciated his own opinion on the death penalty in the epilogue of this book. If a shocking and truly torturous murder had to be written about, I’m glad it was by Steve Jackson. He did not write gruesome details for shock value, but for us readers to understand the true depth of evil, yet he had compassion for Jacine and her family. Kevin Pierce’s narration is the best! He keeps me awake and if I miss the name of who he is talking about in the story, the tone of his voice lets me know who exactly it is. Well done!