Until Nothing Remains: A Gun Play Novel 1, by C. A. Rudolph. The narration is provided by Kevin Pierce. The audiobook is produced by EMPowered Press LLC.

This is a very interesting and unique story that starts in a pre-post-apocalyptic world. The story follows a family and the drama they face during the unique changes in the United States during the time of political change with of hatred of the second amendment and clamping down on free speech on conservative points of view. The father is a Prepper of sorts and he believes he has his family ready for almost any situation until the worst that could happen does happen. The mother is still a reluctant anti-gun person, as she is a nurse and sees the worst of what happens in the ER on a daily basis with gun violence in her hospital. The son is a somewhat oblivious teenager controlled by hormones and an anti-gun girlfriend. The Goth oldest sister is the one most on board with her father’s plans. This all leads to an excellent story with this family dynamic.

The second sets of characters are professional assassins. One is a Former Marine Sniper who is from the United States. His wife was born in Germany. Both have seen the horrors of war during the ongoing war on terror. Now they work for themselves as freelance assassins. They have been brought to the United States on what they believe is a righteous contract to take out a horrible man who is spreading hate through Islam and his plan is part of spreading the Islamic State and Sharia Law into the United State as part of Isis and their Global Jihad.

The narration by Kevin Pierce was excellent. Mr. Pierce is able to get the listener invested in the story and the characters and whatever situations the may be facing. He has this perfect voice for the narration of darn near any genre. This is the reason he has earned the title voice of the apocalypse. In this case, he gets to work with a unique case, a hybrid novel like this one that combines elements of Espionage Thriller and Post Apocalyptic Story. The production quality of this audiobook is also topnotch. I heard no problems during the entire performance. There were not any detectable flaws that I was able to hear during the entire performance. I did not hear any loops, breaks, or buzzing. The production was crisp and clear. EMPowered Press LLC. delivered an excellent audiobook production.

I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.

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