If you liked ‘Quarter Share’, you will also like ‘Half Share’. The MC -finally- gets laid. I was a bit surprised that sex wasn’t a bit more of a focus for an 18 yr. old male on a ship with female crewmates, but he finally got his plumbing checked.

The co-op is coming along nicely, Ish is passing tests, and a new crewmember is acclimating.

Still no conflicts of any gravity, as some reviewers have complained about. Personally, I’m digging the smooth sailing, as it were. Full realism? Almost certainly not. But, I get plenty of reality in, well, reality. I read fiction for enjoyment, and this has been an enjoyable beginning to what looks to be an entertaining series.

I hope the price drops on the remaining books in the series, as there is no way I can continue this journey at 17 USD and up per book. My fault, I guess. I should have checked the prices before starting the series.

I wish I could swing the 150 USD for the remaining six books, but, sadly, I cannot. I heartily recommend the first two (I got them free as part of my Audible membership), and I expect the next ones will be good as well. Hopefully, someday, I’ll be able to review them, also. 😉