I originally read this novel last year, but when the chance was presented to listen to the audiobook I couldn’t pass it up! I truly love the story and love how Neva struggles with her identity, but also manages to grow as a person under her circumstances. The world building was so very unique and I really enjoyed hearing about Davis’s world she has created a second time around. I cannot wait for the sequel.

Hugh was wonderful in her performance of the main story as well as each of the characters. I had a clear understanding of who was talking and each of the characters accents were consistent throughout the entirety of the story. The narrator gave a wonderfully animated performance as well. She seemed really excited to be narrating this book. I would definitely recommend giving this a go if you’re a fan of the Throne of Glass series or any other books with a strong female character with magical abilities.

I received an advanced copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.