A sequel that’s even better than the first book in the series. Not only did I feel like I was going on the journey with the main character but this book introduced a supporting cast that I found more interesting than in the first novel. Despite constantly learning more and more about the world of Cradle I always feel like there’s so much more just waiting around the corner. In both books, action sequences are a huge part of the narrative but it felt like those scenes did a much better job of teaching you something about the world or adding to Lindon’s progression as a character. Once again my only real complaint about the story is that I wish that volume II were a bit longer and allowed for a few more quiet moments, though I’ll admit the pacing of this volume definitely made it feel like Lindon was doing everything he could just to survive and gain what little scraps of power he can get his hands on. The one question I always ask myself when I finish a book in an ongoing series is if I look forward to the next book as much or more than I did to the previous one in the series. In this case, the answer is easy, I couldn’t be more excited to dive into volume 3 and learn what Blackfire is all about.