I loved the first book (and gave a more detailed review there so I’m just gushing here), and bought this one on pre-order because of how excited I was for it. And let me tell you, Eileen Glass and Joel Leslie did not disappoint. It was an amazing listen and added more wonderfulness to the story, characters, and setting. I was left both delighted at just how much I LOVED it, and wilting at the fact I have to wait for who knows how long for the next one.

If you liked the first book, you’ll probably like this one just as much, if not more. I listened to it in a day, and it’s over 12 hours long so, yes, I was listening All. Day. Long. Even in the bathroom. And if I could’ve taken it into the shower with me, I would have. I’m also proud to say I was the first all 5-star rating on this book (though couldn’t write a review until later).

You’ll love this book so stop hesitating and just buy it!