I have to say before I start this audio review that I read the ebook first so I knew what to expect but the audio book, I think, gives you so much more depth.

If you have read the blurb you will know what to expect but the blurb won’t tell you how well this book is written and performed. The storyline is good, it’s different to what I’ve come to expect from Lisa Lace in that I’m more accustomed to reading/listening to her books about super alien races, hot sexy guys with wings no less!

Ethan and Lily have known each other forever, she is a couple of years younger than him but they have so much in common age doesn’t seem to matter. They lived close to each other and had the perfect friendship, they made plans for their future after school was finished. They planned to travel the world. There was just one thing wrong with their plans they didn’t have any money to do it with.

Ethan suffered a devastating loss, his mother died and he felt that if he had been able to pay for treatment she would have lived. If only he had kept his dead end job instead of giving it up to paint he could have made a difference. His mother was his sole parent and her loss puts him into the system until he is old enough to leave it.

Lily lives with her parents and although she knows how upset Ethan is she doesn’t really realize how it is going to affect both their lives.

Shortly after Lily’s graduation and the consummation of their love Ethan leaves, he doesn’t say goodbye, he doesn’t leave a forwarding address he even disconnects his phone. Lily is bereft! Why? What’s wrong?

Unbeknownst to Lily Ethan had applied for and been accepted into Columbia, he has to work two jobs and has loans coming out of his ears but he is never going to be so poor he can’t pay for medicine again!

Whilst in college his roommate and he develop a computer programme worth a lot of money but his roommate cuts him out of the deal starting what turns into a fude lasting years. When Ethan’s Company develop a dating app and it pairs his old roommate/nemesis with Lilly Ethan feels he has to do something about it. He decides to take action, unfortunately all he does is make matters worse! For someone so good at business he is terrible at relationships.

Lily has spent years pining for Ethan, there is nobody else for her, she lives alone with her cat Biscuit and has never left the state she lives in. She knows that Ethan made it big but has never tried to see him.

I loved the characters of Jennifer, Ethan’s right hand woman and Chloe Lily’s best friend.

Overall I had a lot of empathy with Lily but I felt that for someone who was such a free spirit she didn’t do anything about living her dream of travelling. She became quite closed off I thought. Ethan I wanted to slap and tell him to wake up and do something with his life apart from making money! Which just goes to show how talented Lisa is to make me so angry at him.

I can’t really say more without spoiling the whole story so what I will say is this one although quite annoying at times because I found myself wanting to slap Ethan and his nemesis, a truly horrible man, I could not stop listening. The sign of a good book as far as I’m concerned.

I was gifted this book and am writing my review voluntarily.