There are some spoilers in this review, but nothing you won’t guess would happen in this kind of a story anyway.

Right off the bat, I have to say this: I have listened to so many alpha romance stories, including omegaverse stories, and this one took the cake in terms of misogyny. The main problem I have is that this woman is headstrong, determined, and doesn’t want to be defined by her dynamic. This male refuses to even try to understand a human’s thinking although he rules over them and continues to push her into being what he wants her to be. He keeps firing her and she keeps coming back. She keeps saying she needs to work and he ALLOWS her to do so without understanding why it’s important for her to feel like her own person. He turns her into a baby making machine, her worst fear by the way, and by the end of the book she’s all good with it after he just continually bulldozes her. Oh, my dreams of being a lawyer? Nah, who cares. Oh, I wanted children later n in life and went to college so I could focus on my career? Forgotten! Oh, my baby is chilling in my womb to the sounds of screaming while males are tortured during my pregnancy and my mate comes back covered in blood? Ah, well, what happens, happens, I’ll just refuse to think about it! The unbelievable denial or acceptance of this (can’t tell which one she settles on, really) grates at my nerves throughout the book because SHE does all the changing instead of him. Raven changes 0% throughout the entire book. He strives to make her happy, yet doesn’t bother to try to understand why certain things are even important to her in the first place. And it’s exactly the kind of person I’d never want to be with. The saving grace of this book was both the narrators as well as the funny dialogue. The clever banter between these two made me chuckle and if this guy could take five seconds to recognize that women are more than a womb, he would’ve been much more desirable. Yes, omegas are rare in this universe and they are the only ones that can reproduce, WE GET IT. But that doesn’t mean that every alpha has to push himself onto whatever female he finds so fast and so roughly that her whole life is ripped out from underneath her in a matter of a month. I was so frustrated by the end of this book that I wanted to scream at Raven. His undying loyalty is one thing and I can even respect him as a warrior and a leader, but as a partner, I’d be utterly disgusted with his close-mindedness, especially in light of his musings of how humans are so close-minded about so many things. I wanted to tear through this whole series but after this book, I’m having second thoughts; if all of the books in this series are going to be unchanging, ridiculously sexist cavemen, I’m out. There’s a fine line between possessive alpha male and sexist jerk and unfortunately that line was crossed with Raven’s character in my opinion.