⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 STARS

Asher just stole my heart! I’m sad that this is the final book in the Rixon Raiders series, but L.A. Cotton ended it with a story that will give you all the feels. I love how Mya was a fierce and loyal friend; especially how deeply she loved Asher despite her attempts at trying to not fall for him.

“This didn’t feel like going slow. It felt like falling recklessly and hopelessly into each other, giving no thought to how hard we might crash.”

The narration was spot on…I just love Sarah Puckett and Wen Ross was another top-notch narrator. I’m glad I got to see quite a bit of the other characters from series, from Hailey and Cam to Felicity and Jase, Mya’s “fairy sexmother”. LOVE IT!!! Not only is this book EPIC, but the series as a whole…so be sure to get your copy! The Harder You Fall by L.A. Cotton will absolutely join the ranks of the BIBLIO-ARISTOCRACY!!!