The quick: The production elevated this story through music, noises, and superb voice acting, but it wasn’t enough to redeem this incredibly… boring… predictable… cringy story.

I’ll dismiss the main character for the sake of a reader who might be a geek like him, looking for a creative outlet and lack luster life. Though, despite the obvious harem, the love interests showed ZERO development toward their relationship with MC.

This book had potential of mixing the game with life drama, but all of the problems simply got shoveled under the rug, leaving a giant mound of what the fuck that’s uncomfortable to step on. The climax sucked, only building up to a small emotional reward for the reader after an even smaller investment with the story.

I can’t even recommend this book for the harem/mild erotica enthusiast, as the interactions provided NO growth for literally anyone. 2/5. Great performance. Terrible, terrible story.