I have a new audiobook for those of you that like to listen to your books and if you like MM. With a Kick Collection #1, has two stories from the series along with two bonus stories about the couples that appear in the two main stories. It’s quirky, funny, and I enjoyed listening to Joel Leslie bring the characters to life. I’m going to break down my review into 3 parts: story, narration, overall.

Story: 4 STARS

First, the story. I’m going to give the collection itself 4 stars. I liked the characters, the plot, and the story. You have characters that struggle in their own way, and you have the men who come in to rescue them, but it isn’t as simple as that. They each of their own nuances and each situation is a little different. Everything revolves around this one ice cream shop that makes adult ice cream. I want to find one of those around me. The books do hint at a couple other characters and because I had to know what happened to them, I’ve already downloaded Collection #2. There were some parts of the stories where I thought they skimmed over content I thought would be better expanded upon and other times when I rushed, but overall, I really liked what I listened to and would recommend this collection to all MM fans.

Narration: 4 STARS

Joel Leslie is one of my favorite narrators. In fact, the main reason I opted to review this audiobook was because I saw that he was the one narrating it. His voice does bring the characters to life and he provides each character with their own accent and personality. That said, there were a few times when I had a hard time making out who was talking or telling the story because the accents melded together and didn’t quite sound as distinct as they usually did. It doesn’t happen often and only minorly distracted upon occasion. I give the narration 4 stars.

Overall: 4 STARS

The story was good and I found myself grinning at different points throughout the story. The narration brought the characters to life and I’ve found myself listening to the book a second time. If you like MM and you like audiobooks, I highly recommend that you one click this one today. If you aren’t a fan of audiobooks, you should still pick up this collection of stories. I can’t wait for part 2 to come out on audiobook.