This book is well written….but at the same time it was not really stimulating or exciting. There are so many examples or things I can highlight, but let me just mention a couple things…you know the depth of an audiobook is lacking when the otherwise excellent audio performance actually highlights the sometimes inane and basic conversation of the characters. This book did that for me. Secondly, this book is supposed to be in the LITrpg category but it is a very soft version. For some that can be a good thing as there isn’t much technicality or leveling strategy, but to me it also just becomes a story and doesn’t belong in the category. I guess that’s my overall issue…lack of depth across all areas (character development, character challenges and growth, development of stats, spells and strategy and in conversation among the characters.) Good effort by the author, but this book appears to be targeted at about the 6th grade level with the exception of a single sex scene 2 hours before the end of the book.
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