Would you say that listening to this book was time well-spent? Why or why not?
It was time well spent, because overall I enjoyed it and wanted to keep listening to find out what happens next. Unfortunately, nothing really happened next. It was entertaining, though.
What was the most interesting aspect of this story? The least interesting?
The most interesting part was getting a small glimpse into the life of a dedicated MC. The least interesting was that more so than an autobiography, this book lent itself more to a recruiting manual for the Mongols MC.
Have you listened to any of Jeff Hays’s other performances before? How does this one compare?
I have not. I thought his performance was very good. I enjoyed him. What I did not enjoy was the poor audio quality. It often went in and out and I would have to adjust the volume. It was annoying.
Could you see The Unknown Mongol being made into a movie or a TV series? Who should the stars be?
Absolutely. My obvious choice would be Charlie Hunnam to play the lead… but that’s only because that’s who I would want to watch the most. Not necessarily because he would be right for the part. I do think it could be an enjoyable movie though.
Any additional comments?
I found the book to be very entertaing, but was really disappointed with the ending and the lack of transparency. Just give us a little. There really wasn’t any.