Book 3 is a solid addition to the series and well worth a read/listen. As with the previous 2 books the characters are hilarious, the banter is witty and the story is fun… but… it does start to get tiresome in certain areas.
As with many comic book universe adventures, this book gets out of hand in a jump the shark kind of way. The comedy and light self incriminating tone of the book help redeem the story but there are a few times you might be scratching your head.
The other issue I had with this book is the author lays on the diversity, sjw, anarchist, communist etc… politics pretty thick in this installment. All of this series have been pretty heavy handed in this area but book 3 is the biggest offender so far. I will give the author some major kudos for addressing these issues in fun comedic ways and stays true to the individual characters. But… If this was anything other than a book about comic book heroes and villians it would be over the top. I would also say there is only so many times you can read about the witty Jewish super geek fighting fascists/Nazis that it starts to becomes boring.