I was pretty excited for this book because I enjoyed the first two very much. I am pleased with how the book ended, but I feel like for being the longest book so far it said the least. I feel like too many topics were covered without really digging into them.

The over all story line and concept is very nice. I am very curious about what will happen next. I’m looking forward to the MC growing and getting to know other characters more. That being said….

The “performance” side of this book if very different from the first 2. I feel like the effects and noises were just there for the sake of being there. They didn’t enhance the narrator at all. If anything they took away from a very solid narration. Also, unfortunately I can’t stand the female voices. It makes it very hard to connect with any of the female characters. The women narrator in the first book was good and I’m sad she hasn’t been a part of the next 2. The very generic Transylvanian voices are annoying and the Marshals growling voice makes me tune out, even though I really like her character.

Overall I enjoy the series and look forward to the rest!