This book was really a rollercoaster for me. It was waves of happiness and relief, humor, and then anger and sorrow. Then….all over again.

I really did enjoy this book, despite the fact that my emotions were all over the place with frustration at Gabe for being so cold towards Dylan. Gabe’s “boyfriend” at the beginning of the book, Fletcher, was such an a**! & it annoyed me so much that Gabe stayed with him. Gabe claimed that he didn’t do “boyfriends” and made it sound like he only did casual sex, but at the same time some of the ways he acted with Fletcher had elements of a relationship. Gabe constantly caved into what Fletcher wanted and pushed Dylan’s attention to the side. So as strong as Gabe tried to be, you can really see how weak and broken he is.

I really enjoyed the banter between Gabe and Dylan. It really was a big part in making this book enjoyable for me and gave it the lighter note that it needed at times.

The chemistry between Gabe and Dylan was obvious and they were explosive together, giving you some pretty good sexy times, although I could have used a bit more steaminess for how intense their attraction was.

As for the ending….I know that we really do know what the book is supposed to end like….so why not just end it rather than leaving that last part like an incomplete paragraph. Ughhh. It’s like not really a cliffhanger, but that last part I just wanted the scene to finish!

That being said…it was well worth the money/credit.

I look forward to Jude’s story now! I am hoping it will be on audio soon, but I might just end up reading it earlier instead.