The driving mechanism to play and stay in the game is yet another apocalypse come to the world. It’s been used before and been successful, why change anything? Whatever, it gets the main character into the game and keeps him there, it works. Anyways, the world and story the MC is dropped into is different than many tried and true settings. It pretty much immediately caught my interest. Magepunk with a nonstandard magic system? Go on. And of course we know we came for the cool aspect of the Dragon Rider class, which is also pretty different than most normal classes LitRPG game characters get. Sure, the MC gets a bit of powerful weapon and path towards a nonstandard class, but nothing overpowered. Pretty much everything he does and can get is obtainable by anyone else. There are a few bits here and there, but he doesn’t usually get any massive boosts that would make him so much better than anyone else. But the story is good, and keeps you going. The male narrator is good and does well. The female narrator has a very cute voice… but she doesn’t appear to have any voices. Almost all of the female characters sounds the same and can be difficult to tell apart sometimes. All in all, I quite enjoyed it and will definitely be continuing the series.