The Sceptic by Lily Morton is a spin off of her original series Black and Blue series. This book picks up with the side character and best friend of Blue Billings, Will Buchanan and love interest Jem Dawson. This book was lovely! The ghost mystery was enigmatic and mysterious, but a bit slow. I enjoyed Will and Jem’s relationship though! Both characters gradually got close together and built a foundation, and were snarky and sarcastic. I loved their snarkiness. Even so, I still felt more drawn towards Blue and Levi in the previous series, and I wanted them both to show up more in this book. Overall the mystery and slow building relationship between Jem and William was slow, but entertaining and cute as they progressed throughout the story. As always Joel Leslie, did a great job bringing this story to life with his talented voice!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this audiobook.