I’ll start by saying, if you’ve listened to “Openly straight and Honestly Ben”, you wont get the same character and plot development. Both of those books were amazing. That being said, if you enjoy the author’s writing style, you’ll also enjoy this book. Overall, the characters were pretty thin with exception of the two leads. The friends of both the boys, were just accessories. It’s enough for you to identify with and get their purpose, but you won’t go away with fond memories like in the other books.

In some ways this could have just been a story about the two guys over a weekend getting to know one another. The other characters didn’t really add much. What I did enjoy was the examination of something else in the gay community that probably doesn’t get the attention that it needs (spoilers) so I won’t say much more.

Lastly, the “Jordan” narrartor was THE WORST. I almost cringed everytime I heard his voice. I couldn’t wait to flip back to Max. The narrartor for Max while 10 times better, he wasn’t perfect but played a teenage jock boy enough where I could imagine vidvidly what he would be like if he were real

The book was satisyfing, and was a nice distraction from my normal listens. Accept this for what it is and you’ll enjoy too.