Joel Leslie did an amazing job with the narration of this story. He’s so great at bringing emotion and nuance to his performance, to say nothing of the care he takes with the accents and all the different voices for the great cast of secondary characters in this story.

I really loved this story. I’ve not come across a lot of romances yet where one of the MC’s is HIV+. I think the author did a wonderful job bringing this into the story, trying to keep it real and even informative to a point, but not letting it take over the love story.

Beau’s hesitancy in coming clean about his HIV to William, and his initial attempts to keep the other man at arm’s length are very understandable and gave this outwardly strong, self-assured character a vulnerable side. William’s reaction to the revelation, and its timing, made me love him even more. The love William and Beau share is beautifully written and very sweet.