Only the first part of a much bigger story, this book does a great job of setting up a very intriguing mystery to be unraveled. On one aide we have Raven, who seems randomly thrust into the mystery of the missing jewelry heiress. She uncovers clues and trying to figure out what everything is telling her. On the other side, Lark, the missing heiress. So interesting to go back and forth between their POVs, getting both of their stories, Raven in current time, and Lark bouncing around in time a bit. So fascinating, and it grabs my attention more and more as the story continues. But that ending, well, that was a great cliffhanger. And one that not only makes you wonder what’s coming next, but also realize that there is an entire other level to this story that we clearly haven’t even touched on yet. Very excited to move onto the next book!!
I received this audiobook in exchange for my fair and honest review.