I have now listened to the first three books of this series, and I’m finding it much more interesting and enjoyable to follow than I thought I would! This is right in the middle of the current series, and it certainly feels like a turning point, both wrapping up several storylines and teasing the next. This book certainly showed some character development for those who hadn’t always acted the best in previous books. I’ll admit that I’m a sucker for a redemption story, and this book had two. There are a few surprising—and surprisingly sad, given what we knew of the characters—deaths in this book that wrapped up storylines that had threaded from the first book of the series to this. It also has a happy reunion as well as showing resilient people fighting against incredible odds and challenging circumstances. We’ve heard a bit about the adult daughter of the couple in this story, and the epilogue reveals where she is currently at and her state of mind. I’m guessing a next major thrust of this series will be about the family reuniting, with parents and daughter coming together finally. The secondary characters are fantastic. I particularly love Trent, a teenage boy, orphaned at the start of the book, who is certainly becoming a strong and resourceful young man under the guidance of his self-adopted father—the hero—whom he has lovingly nicknamed PB, standing for Papa Bear! I’m looking forward to seeing what happens to this group next!