Good story full of different characters. It’s neat to see each of their experiences. The scary thing is how easily a scenario like this could happen IRL.

Even if you don’t read the book, and you are only reading the review, I urge you to not just have on-hand at home what you need to eat/drink for the next couple of days. You don’t need to be a full-on “prepper,” but stocking various medicines & basic medical supplies, bottled water and shelf-stable food are a must in any emergency (as we all got a taste of in 2020.) Just watch so anything that can expire does not– use it before that and replace with new. It may seem like a pain, but this small thing can make a big difference, as shown in this book; on day ONE Jack’s neighbors were already begging for some supplies since they knew he had plenty and they’d “forgotten to make their Costco run.” Day one! And of course this would happen IRL too. So there’s definite lessons to think about here! I think the author did a good job of portraying how things would go down in such an event. Definitely considering getting book two.