I was provided a review copy of this book at no charge by the author.

OMG! This book was so incredible. It is very emotional and haw dropping. All the things Megan goes through at the hands if her husband is too much for anyone to handle. Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does. I feel Megan’s pain and betrayal at the hands of the one man she loved wholeheartedly. But Dr. Garrett comes to the rescue of the woman he’s loved forever. He is Megan’s daughters doctor and he is perfection. Garrett was so wonderful and exactly what Megan deserved all along. Gia did a great job with his character because even though he loved her and wanted to take away her pain, he never used her pain as a way to get he wanted. He was sensible and helped to make Megan see that the bit of guilt she held was in no way her fault. Little Lainey was so adorable.

The narration was really great. I liked Sarah Puckett a lot and she did a great job as Megan and Garrett. Even voicing little Lainey. This is a great audiobook that I really enjoyed.