A great example of how delivery is everything. you have a fun and interesting adventure series with characters you can’t help but get attached to, and then you put Ben Stein’s prodigy behind the mic.

The mind numbing soul destroying droning monotone delivery had me spastically shaking my fist at random items and events(I even cussed out a bird who stopped next tho the truck to watch me strangely behaving human) and on the verge of ripping parts of my own scalp off. I found myself wanting to stab a hot ice pick through the screen of my radio while cackling and asking “Can you FEEL “THAT”? Can you display emotion NOW?!” Place on top of that some of the worst accents I’ve ever heard someone try to imitate.

The story line is catchy, but if this monotone hack is narrating, I probs my won’t be listening to any more Dane Maddock