The book was very slow. It didn’t pick up or get much of a plot until the very last chapter and epilogue, so that was disappointing. Ari’s character is also inconsistent and a mismatch of different personalities–most unbelievable or relatable. I couldn’t connect with her at all. Although the premise of Hell was interesting, I felt like we didn’t get enough description of it, either. There was a lot of repetition and weird coincidences (like Pete suddenly knowing about the demon mark)… Again, not believable. Also, the language the author used was too formal at times. Especially for a modern-day young woman.

As for the narrators, the female’s voice I didn’t mind too much. She didn’t have much range though. All the brothers sounded similar. It was hard to tell them apart. And the Fae were Scottish. But the male’s voice was torturous. I felt like Patrick Stewart was reading to me (and with the sexier parts, it got weird). I didn’t feel like he matched at all.

I don’t think I’ll be reading more of this series. Didn’t do it for me.