As someone who has read countless Litrpg books this one stands out by far. I regret waiting as long as I had to start it, but at the same time I’m glad to grab the next book immediately.

The characters are well thought out and individual, even if some are only there for a joke. The humor is an over arching constant that never seems forced or overbearing, and yet still allows for tension through out the book. My favorite thing though is that the enemies they face, and the characters interacted with are all far more unique in either race, or personality than in most other books. It’s not a collection of “Fight those Skeletons and Slimes” and I really appreciate that.

All in all I couldn’t put it down and finished it within the day I bought it, and while I had tried to see if I can hold off on the second one while I finish some other books I’ve started, I caved to my own pressure. I’d absolutely recommend this to anyone who likes litrpgs, a tremendous amount of sarcasm, more explosions than you can realistically fit in a room, and what seems to be a solid system of progression where nothing seems too easy or too hard.