Although this included books 1-3, I stopped at the end of book 1.

The writing was poor, and the characters were so dumb they did not deserve to survive.

After the EMP nobody seems interest in what happened nor why. No one is worried about other nukes, radiation, or invasion. Most people seem to have just disappeared, there is no military, no law-enforcement, yet nobody cares. They don’t mention things like how are they heating the coffee they are drinking and food they are eating. They seem uninterested in matches or lighters, nor guns and ammunition, nor horses or radios.

The prepper protagonist is the worst prepper imaginable – he never checked his spare tire. He does not want to waste gas on a chainsaw, yet they pass dozens of stalled cars and does not refill his tank (and chainsaw). Also, where are all the people from those stalled cars – they got out and just wandered into the forest?

The ”bad guy” makes little sense and seems like the author’s real-life bad boss.

Virtually nothing interesting happens in book 1 and the ending is a nothing burger.

I did not laugh, I did not cry, I did not care. I did groan at the dumbness many times.

The narration was good but could not help this story.