Book Two of the Borrowed World ROCKS! If you want to read or listen to more about Jim, Gary, or Randi, Ellen, Pete, Pops or Ariel I strongly recommend picking it up. Mr. Horton spins a wonderful handcrafted tale that annotates the families struggling to get back together. There’s cool new protagonists but there’s also some folks who will make your blood boil too. I enjoy the discussion of local geography, flora, fauna, history and general details the author provides. While Jim is technically the main character, I enjoy the way Franklin Horton flavors the narrative by adding different POV’s and letting minor characters have internal dialogue.
This post-apocalyptic fictional series is quickly becoming my favorite form of entertainment. My waking hours are generally spent thinking about these characters, their struggles, and how I might act in similar situations.
I’m also not going to lie, I just got done with book 10, so I am really hooked.