The Dragon Wars decimated the Clans wiping out thousands of dragons and their powerful mages.Dragons can only reproduce with the help of their mages, so many of which were killed in the war that the small number clans that survived are in danger of firing out unless more mages can be found.

Most humans believe dragons and magic have already died out and no longer exist. An American Tourist, Cameron, has just completed his Mechanical Engineering Masters Program and is backpacking across Europe and stops at a small village celebrating their Dragon Festival. During his visit a dragon attending the event detects the presence of an unknown mage in the village and raises the alarm.

A, Very, Single, Dragon King, Alric turns out the Castle to search the village for the mage. When Ravi, the young dragon ward of the king, grabs Cameron and starts shouting in German that he has found the mage,.Cameron only knows a few words in German, and has no idea what Ravi is saying. Alric. realising this, quickly understands that Cameron is not aware at all of the significance of what he, Cameron, is—or who he is speaking to, and introduces himself as just a simple citizen, and that he thinks Ravi’s enjoyed the festival too much.”

Alric needs to handle this carefully or he could lose his chance to win Cameron over to become a mage and help save his clan of dragons by accidentally scaring him off.

The first book in the series , this is an adult tale of magic and mm romance of a dragon king and his fated mate trying to rebuild his clan by finding lost mages for his people’s future while fighting off known and unknown threats to his kingdom. Joel Leslie does a fantastic job of narrating AJ Sherwood and Jocelynn Drake’s characters!

Dragons and their Human Mages Magic are gone