This was a fun read that managed to keep me guessing throughout the whole book. If you like suspenseful si-fi reads that wrestle with philosophy and the nature of reality, Robinson’s last few novels are for you. Specifically this one.

I see lots of reviews dogging the book for being pro Christian, but as an agnostic myself, it honestly didn’t bother me. In fact, the books parallels to creepy bible verses made the story even richer.

Also noticed a few reviews complaining the ending was rushed. I personally didn’t feel that. If anything the ending is controversial and leaves the protagonist in a morally questionable position at best.

My only gripe. I can suspend disbelief for all the wild places this novel takes us, but it’s hard to believe the first act of the story, when a paster somehow becomes the equivalent of the lead investigator of a double homicide. Like what? If you can get over that, the rest of the story is a fun ride.