Major spoiler in this review, read at your risk?
I enjoyed the first half of Paint The Sky immensely. Ben and Vinnie’s relationship was so loving and sweet. Ben did everything for him. Gave him a place to live, space for work, time for their relationship to develop. It was just beautiful. Then Vinnie became an ass. He starts going home late, forget to call Ben, keep his phone off, spend more time with his supposed friend than his boyfriend (all signs of cheating even if it’s not physical). And Ben, gorgeous Ben blames himself, why? you did nothing wrong. In my opinion he was remarkably patient and understanding. Then the guy Vinnie left Ben for physically and emotionally abused him. Yes he managed to get out of that toxic situation and now is back with Ben. He doesn’t deserve Ben and Ben deserves so much more. To make matters worse they are back together without dealing with any of their past problems. Vinnie’s excuse is James was such a nice guy at first, so what, your boyfriend love and cares for you. So I loved the first half of the book and hated the second half. Yup I hate cheaters even in fiction. Also just to be clear I abhor domestic abuse and do not wish that on anyone. Joel Leslie did an awesome job narrating as usual.