This book is probably one of the best I’ve “read” in a very long time! The story follows a girl named Allie, as she navigates the end of the world. It’s narrated from the POV of several people which I love because you get to know the characters better. This book has a lot of women impowerment which I also love. And yes, it has a bit of that corny “boy meets girl and falls in love” type scenario, but not in the way you might think. The twist had my stomach in knots, and it leaves off on a massive cliffhanger! Not the kind that leaves you having more questions than answers, but makes you wonder what happens next. The only thing that even remotely made me dislike it was the narrator for Allie. She speaks in breaths and gasps, like she was reaching for air at the end of each sentence, which doesn’t sound like Allie’s character at all. But don’t turn away! The story, the characters, the growth, the development, it’s all well worth it! More than worth it! It’s one of those books that make you question why it hasn’t been turned into a movie yet!