i hate writing this review, but this book is not much of one…
after years of waiting we get what is essentially a layover…
it does a decent job of reminding us of who everyone is followed by BC manoeuvring the Delvers and Nora where he needs them to be for the next book as well as setting up the rest of the world…
this book has plenty of content, but very little substance.
I wouldn’t be so upset if I didn’t know that BC can do better than this, because the 5 star is only there for the Amazon algorithm, it is not earned on this books stand alone merit.

Jeff on the other hand does everything he can with what is given to him and he deserves praise for the result…

here’s to hoping that BC gives us an actual Delvers book in 5 or I’m sad to say I might drop the series if this is what we should expect going forward…