I am a big listener to audio books, I have probably listened to thousands of books of all genre’s over the last 15 years. I listen at work, at home , on car rides, I can almost always be found with a headphone in enjoying an audio book. With that being said I can not remember ever DNF’ing a audiobook until this one. I DNF’ed it within the first hour and half of listening. I think the story itself has potential (can’t say for sure since I could barely get through a few chapters) so I will be physically reading this series but the narration is awful. The narrator sounds bored, possibly sick and dare I say on the elderly side. Ok… Don’t come at me, cause I have nothing against an older narrator, but combine the boredom, congestion and his shaky voice, it becomes very difficult to listen to. I also am not one to leave a review unless it is one of two extremes of either blowing me away or God awful. The narration alone lands on the God awful side. It just very much was not for me.