If it had not been for the excellent narration, I would probably have not finished this story – and if I had – I’d have been more mad than I am now.

First, this is NOT romantic. Our MCs get a barely there HFN and it is TOTALLY unsatisfying. I get that this is the beginning to the series, but I was not invested enough in these guys to continue and was SO frustrated by Charlie and how he treats Josh that I’m hoping Josh moves on!

In the beginning it looked like it was going to be this clever “I’m cyber in love with someone” and then “I meet a real guy but what about the cyber guy”… but that all ends after a brief encounter between Josh and Cal and the mystery is revealed early that Cal is Charlie. (Sorry, not really a spoiler though.)

Our MCs are barely on page together and when the ILYs come, they don’t feel authentic. Josh seems like an interesting guy but he lets Cal totally run over him and I can’t believe the ultimatum Cal gives Josh!
I also didn’t care for the “action/mystery” part of the story – it didn’t really make a lot of sense and seemed unrealistic.
Joel Leslie did a great job with his narration – I love his British accents! – but he wasn’t enough to make me recommend this story.

2.5 of 5 stars