This Alpha abuses this girl for months. Forced turning, forces injection to force heat, which after days of unconcented sex gets unconcented pregnant. Then to grind her down more doesn’t claim her, basically telling her she’s a duty, just multiple holes for him & a vessel for his child. This leads to almost catatonic depression. She used to be a spitfire but becomes grossly pathetic. He realizes he may have gone about it a tad harshly, but not really, so starts to act nicer. She sucks it up in all ways, saves him from humiliation, all is abruptly sunshine & rainbows like it’s a completely different couple, with barely an apology for his disgusting behavior. Still no claim yet because he’s waiting apparently for the seen from a mile away attack, brutal assault & almost rape from enemies to which he then grabs her in front of the pack while standing over the bad guys dead corpses, bites her then ruts her in front of them because it’s special.

This HEA is ridiculous