I was really looking forward to listening to this second book in The Family Novak series. But, I’m afraid that River and Vasily may have ruined if not the rest of the series, then at least this one for me.

I actually listened to this a couple of weeks ago, but I wasn’t sure how to review it, so I did a re-listen a couple of days ago. I was still disappointed. I have no problem with the role reversal trope, but I just could not connect with Tony and Joey as their own characters, let alone as fated mates.

We got enough character development to have a decent understanding of why the men are the way they are, but it just didn’t feel right. Plus, the authors tried to bring in too many characters for such a short book. Yes, Joey is from the Russian Mafia, so he has a big, protective family. But, other than the Don leading the main house, and bringing old memories to the surface, there wasn’t much “Mafia” to this Novak Mafia Family story.

Overall, I did grow more accustomed to the MCs by the end of the second listen, which prompted the 3rd star.

Kirt Graves did a great job with the narration. I believe he did the accents the authors wrote well, and as usual, he was able to carry the story off well.

* I received a free copy of this audiobook and I am leaving my honest review.*