McGuire undercut his own credibility when lies about the solar geo-engineering experiments proposed by Harvard University Professor, David Keith, and instead describes the program as advocating for solar geo. That it explicitly does not do that is obvious to anyone visiting its web page so McGuire knew he was lying about it. Frankly it is shameful coming from a scientist of his caliber.

He also gives misleading descriptions of other programs that have been proposed to respond to global heating while the world economy moves away from dependence on hydrocarbons. That process will take decades as McGuire knows and in fact points out. But rather than look at those proposals to respond to the challenge, he simply stamps his feet and says we have to go faster, as if his doing so will make it happen.

Transition to a non-carbon centered energy production system, is not a matter of political will but of economics. Politics in fact has created idiotic so called solutions like ethanol mixing into gasoline and electric cars both of which raise the demand for fossil fuels at least in anything like the near term.