I was anticipating a fast, entertaining thriller–but I have to admit I was disappointed. The protagonist was just too aggressive to be sympathetic. My major complaint was how characters initially important to the plot simply disappeared. What happened to the mother-in-law after she served as a violent warning, for example? After essentially raising his daughter, didn’t she deserve to be found, or at least mentioned again with a sense of loss? Did she even get a memorial service? Following the video clip, which might have been staged, our hero never spares her another thought. Wouldn’t his daughter grieve for her Grandmother?
Then there was the brave agent trying to deactivate the device in New York…did he survive, die, receive a commendation? And what about the son of his one and only trusted Delta buddy? After serving his plot purpose, he too falls out of the narrative.
No wonder Jon was such an isolated character…if the people closest to his life are never recollected again after providing loyal service! Seems like an editor should have noticed their absence if the author didn’t. Frustrating.