It’s been a couple of months since I read book #3, so I had to shake out the rust and remember that they had been on the train level when it ended, and this one picks up right where he left off. The train one was exhausting, but it was good, but my favorite is still the second book. I liked this one better than the train level, but not as much as the second book. However, what I liked about this one was that the Anarchist’s cookbook starts to play a bigger role, so you get information from past crawlers that start to guide his strategy, although he has to be very careful not to let on that he has an outside source of information.
Katia really comes into her own in this level and I really liked that about her. There were several times during this book when I would think, “Yes!” about something that she did. There are some humorous moments as usual (yes, a few times when I actually guffawed), not the least of which is someone who will become a new member of their crew. Sort of. I’ll just let you read it, lol.
The ending was very exciting and set us up very nicely for the next book. Overall, I’m digging this series and ready for the next one. My only disappointment is that this series is not yet complete, so after the next two books I’m going to have to wait. Sigh.