I had to run the books at 1.4 speed due to the rather slow performance of the narrator, good performance, just slow. I had to skip several chapters simply due to the slowness of the story, the author really went on to long explaining thoughts or ideas. Now, on to the story.

I find books like this book difficult to listen to, I travel a lot where there is no internet signal and I will download books of the genre because because I find them entertaining, this book dances right on the edge of a dangerous fantasy. They escape tyranny to create their own two man arbitrary tyranny. They group people with opposing views as “those people” exactly as they were grouped by those other people. They get high on calling themselves “The Team” and like the look of genuine military contractors with the cool beards and cool plate carriers, its rather childish and sad to be honest. If grown ass men “jump the shark” and buy into the belief that they are a “team” because they train on weekends together, then the real team will enjoy picking all of the cool stuff off of their bullet riddled dead bodies. Be genuine at who and what you are and stop comparing the characters as anything other than some normal guys trying to live in a crazy time.

The story was fucking scary and it actually pissed me off and scared me at times. The author did a brilliant job of explaining the behavior of people and how they will change under stressful situations. The way he writes about how the government will take the money out of your account was ABSOLUTELY SPOT ON!!! Think Greece and the haircut that people with wealth experienced in their bank accounts during their financial crisis. Government of any type other than small is a criminal organization.

I quit the series at the end of book 4, it just went to far off the deep end with the cool naïve gunfighter bullshit. His lack of being a man and taking control of his family made him look weak in my view, but the politics of dealing with people and nuances of that dance was again, spot on and I actually think that is why I lasted so long in the series.