This series is turning out to be consistent in both positives and negatives. It’s a slow burn romantic story with minimal heat and entirely too much repetition, but the found family is what keeps me returning. I really do love all of the characters and the overall arc has me invested to see it through to the end. However, this is a long book that could easily be a 5-star for me, if it was just edited down and tighter. I had the same complaint about the first one. It just repeats the same issue over and over again to the point I almost started counting. I wouldn’t even call it angsty because it wasn’t one thing after another, just the same abandonment issue over and over again. The other issue was the narrator, I had this thing going at 2.5 speed and I never listen that fast. His monotone voice for the main characters had me drifting to sleep before I got invested and that’s never good.
Review from Ravensong →