I have come to expect wonderful things from E. Davies in terms of storytelling. His characters are always well developed, the story pacing is spot on and the siren call that hooks you happens from nearly page one. This book was no different. It was amazing and handles what could be a very clunky and confusing subject matter in a way that is delicate, honest and respectful to the characters.

I have read this entire series and each story is just wonderful but being able to hear the stellar performance of Joel Leslie bring these beautiful men to life is a treat not to be missed. Joel is a star performer and I can honestly say that there has never been a performance that I’ve listened to where his work was not incredible. So he certainly get’s high marks for this performance for while Joel’s voice is distinctive the nuances he infuses each character with unique and really such a gift for a listener. I hope he does the rest of this series *hint, hint Joel and E *

Nic is a trans man who has had to deal with more than his share of homophobia and it has made him gun shy about letting people in. He is a shadow unafraid to step into the light until him. He is vibrant, vivacious and all the things that Nic fears. But can a man who has built a life from nothing let in a man whose light will challenge him to embrace even the most secreted parts of who he is?

Kyle is unapologetic in who he is. He is proud of what he has accomplished in his life and that pride has come at a cost but it is one that he would pay again. His struggle has given him purpose and he uses his experience to help those still mired in the muck giving them tools to help themselves. To empower those who cannot always see their worth and there are those still afraid of those who dare to shine.

When tragedy strikes and throws them together can they trust enough to let the other in? To show the unblemished truth of who they are separately and find a way to meld them into a beautiful, shiny future? Can they believe that what they most want for themselves is standing before them waiting just for them to make their own?

Take the journey and find out. It’s worth it. Soooo worth it!