This installment was a nice-wrap up to the Hell’s Ankhor series. It focuses on the budding romance between Mal and Priest; two very deserving guys. At times, I must admit, I wanted to slap the two of them silly and tell them to get over themselves and their constant fretting over whether they should be together or not. It was hard to believe two old crusty bikers would have quite that much angst over a romp in the hay. But, on the other hand, people do tend to go through those dilemmas privately in their minds, which is something we’re not privy to. And something the authors do well in revealing to the reader. We get to hear the inner machinations of the mature mind, proving its doubts and fears are still there long after the uncertainty of youth has faded. I love the interactions between all the club members in the series too. They’ve all become like family to me and I hate to see them go with this final installment. I have just one question: How does he do it? David Allen Vargo, the narrator, I mean. Not only are the voices different, but the cadence, the tempo, the tonal qualities – it’s like listening to a whole cast performing and not one person. He is quite a talented individual. I wonder where he’ll go from here now that Hell’s Ankhor has come to an end. I’ll be on the lookout that’s for sure. Maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll narrate more from this fine team of authors, Bates and Lyda.